Podcast Episode 26 Animals Geeks @Flying High Bird Sanctuary

Podcast Episode 26 Animal Geeks – Flying High Bird Sanctuary -It’s ANZAC Day in Australia.  And we visited Flying High Bird Sanctuary near Childers on the Fraser Coast.   Duncan, Xanthe, Harri and Monty check in from the main aviary and we talk about a selection of the more than 3000 birds on display. We meet Berri the Cassowary, giant macaws and have our ears nibbled by Rainbow Lorikeets. Closing music by Julie Collier, available for download from iTunes #cassowary #sanctuary

Flying High is for sale, if you know a birdlover/entrepreneur/zookeeper who would be interested, please tell them about this fantastic place.  www.flyinghighbirdsanctuary.net.au

Berri the Cassowary